Widgets - menus


Go into the Customiser and click on the "Pencil" button by the widget menu you wish to edit. It will then be shown in the customiser vertical nav bar on the left of the screen. Alternatively, in. at the top level Customiser menu choose "Widgets" tenth name of the widget you wish to customise.

Footer Menu Widgets

Sub Banner Menu Widgets

To customise/edit the Sub header menu use the Customiser.

Go the the page with the sub header menu and click on Customise in the admin header bar and then choose Widgets from the vertical Navbar:

Then under Customising Widgets, choose sub-banner-widget-navy:

The choose the menu widget to edit (e.g. in this example "What scouts do"

you can now reorder existing items and/or add new item to the menu using the "+ Add Items" button.

When you've finished your changes, press the "Publish" button" .

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