Squirrel Page Layout
If you want to recreate the layout similar to the one on the Mersey Weaver website you can either use the block editor using “Group blocks” and/or “Media and text blocks” or insert the following HTML into HTML blocks.
💡 Top Tip
Save the HTML blocks as reusable blocks so you can use them elsewhere
Uniform and badge placement
<div class="uniform-box"> <div class="uniform-box-left"> <h1>Uniform and badge placement</h1> <p class="lead">You don't need a uniform to join. But once you've settled in, you'll start speedily earning badges, and you'll need to know where to put them!</p> <p><a href="https://shop.mwscouts.org/product/squirrel-uniform-pack/" title="Uniform" class="btn btn-pink">Learn about what to wear in Squirrels</a> <a href="https://www.scouts.org.uk/squirrels/squirrels-uniform-and-badge-placement/" title="Badges" class="btn btn-pink">Badge Placement</a></p> </div> <div class="uniform-box-right"> </div> </div>
Squirrel leaders
<div class="volunteering-box"> <div class="volunteer-box-left"> <h1>Squirrel leaders</h1> <p class="lead">All of our leaders are trained volunteers, working to make sure Scouting is safe, inclusive and accessible. Some lead the Drey week in and week out. Others visit occasionally to help run a session or drop in to share their skills.</p> <p><a href="/volunteer/" title="Volunteer" class="btn btn-dark">Find out about volunteering</a></p> </div> <div class="volunteer-box-right"> </div> </div>