Investment Policy
MWSD-POL-3, Nov 2020
It is essential that any Charity sets a clear policy in regards to the financial investment of funds agreed to be retained to protect against a cash flow problem or a problem when income falls short of necessary expenditure (the rainy day fund). It is therefore necessary that Mersey Weaver Scout District has a financial investment policy. This policy sets out to define these steps in Mersey Weaver.
The District's Income and Expenditure is small and its reserves modest. When funds exceed the agreed reserves it is the intention that these monies be invested in scouting in the District in as timely a manner as possible. As a consequence Mersey Weaver Scout District does not have sufficient funds to invest in longer term investments such as stocks and shares. The District has therefore adopted a low risk strategy to the investment of its funds.
All funds will be held in cash using only mainstream banks or building societies or The Scout Association's Short Term Investment Service. The District Executive regularly monitors the levels of bank balances and the interest rates received to ensure the district obtains maximum value and income from its banking arrangements. Occasionally this may involve using an account that requires a period of notice before funds may be withdrawn, before doing so the District Executive will consider the cash flow requirements.