Where can I park at Queen Charlotte's Wood?
Parking next to the Hideaway is strictly prohibited and vehicles must only be situated next to the building for unloading and loading temporarily.
It is a requirement by the Emergency Services that the parking areas adjacent to the building be left clear for access in an emergency and to minimise a fire hazard. After off-loading, vehicles should be removed to the upper car park.
We also ask that visitors do not park in the lower lay-by opposite the main activity field. Groups with prior permission of the Bookings Manager may arrange to use the lay-by for loading/offloading of kit and equipment but vehicles must be relocated to the upper car park afterwards.
If you have an accessibility need, please speak with the bookings manager who will make accommodations for you.
Under no circumstances must any vehicles be taken onto camping pitches.
When moving vehicles around the site a 5mph speed limit is in force and vehicles are expected to have their hazard lights on being aware that young people may be on site.