Queen Charlotte's Wood
- Site Access
- What security do you have at Queen Charlotte's Wood?
- Does The Hideaway have a landline?
- Does The Hideaway have an automated Fire Alarm?
- What's supplied with The Bothy?
- Where is the Evacuation Assembly Point at Queen Charlotte's Wood?
- What Activity Centres does Mersey Weaver have?
- Does the Clogwyn Centre have an Automatic Fire Dection and Alarm System?
- How do I connect to the WiFi on site?
- What do I do if I need to use the AED (automated external defibrillator)?
- Does QCW have a supply of firewood?
- Is there a map of Queen Charlotte's Wood?
- When is our final payment due?
- Is bedding supplied at Queen Charlotte's Wood or the Clogwyn Centre?
- How do I contact the Bookings Manager for Queen Charlotte's Wood or The Clogwyn Centre?
- What's available in the surrounding area at Queen Charlotte's Wood ?
- Are we allowed wet pits at Queen Charlotte's Wood ?
- How do I check avaliablity of Queen Charlotte's Wood ?
- Does Queen Charlotte's Wood have a campsite badge?
- Does Queen Charlotte's Wood have pioneering poles?